Monday, August 18, 2008

Change person...

Today, was catching up on friends' blogs and I happened to read LH's where she commented about how I (referring to Helena) have changed from a career-minded person to a domesticated person who's priority is family and kids. Frankly, I never expected the change myself. Till today, even my own mum asked me when am I going to return to the working society. I am not sure if I can fit back into the working society actually. Will I be able to take the stress? Will I be able to work late? Will I be able to concentrate on work and not think about my kids?

These days, my small talk with parents, grandparents of kids in Kyrene's school, my friends, my relatives are always about kids. I share with them about how I fear if my kids can make it in school, how I don't wish for riches but wish for my kids to be healthy, how I fear if my kids misbehaves, etc etc etc. I got no more aim for myself in life, only aim to bring up the kids well. Is this the real me???

I am not the only one that has changed. Those who knows Johnny for a long long long long time ago, would have noticed the change in him as well. I shan't elaborate more. Johnny is also more domesticated now, putting family first as well. In fact, I think he is more worried about his kids than me.

Both of us are busy planning the future right now. It is going to be yet another big change for us. Will keep our friends post once our plans are finalised. Stay tune...

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